The intent of our Art & Design curriculum:
- A high-quality Art and Design education stimulates a child’s creativity and imagination
- It provides visual, tactile and sensory experiences and a hands-on way of understanding and responding to the world
- It enables and encourages children to become problem solvers and reflective learners who can express themselves fluently and confidently in a variety of diverse ways
- Children can explore how Art and Design both reflect and shape our history and contribute to the cultures, creativity, and wealth of our nation
The implementation of our Art & Design curriculum:
- The Art curriculum is ambitious and exciting. It balances the development of artistic skills with building language, knowledge and understanding to enable art appreciation.
- All lessons are supported by reference and story books based on the focus artists. These are used as a stimulus for every topic and theme.
- Every child uses a sketchbook to record ideas, practise new techniques and to further refine their skills.
- Trips to Galleries and Museums are facilitated where appropriate to enhance the pupils’ understanding and skills further and enrich their appreciation of artworks.
- Specialist artists and crafts people regularly come into school to work with all year groups on exciting projects.
- Children are encouraged to enter art competitions and take part in fund raising projects.
How the units of learning are organised:
The core elements of research, make and evaluate in our Art and Design curriculum are built into every unit of work in the curriculum.
- Research: Generating and developing ideas through the study of Art movements and a range of key artists. Through the appreciation of great artworks, children develop critical and creative thinking. They learned how to look, analyse and evaluate by thinking about colour, line, shape, tone, and texture. By discussing the work of a wide range of artists, craftsmen and designers from many countries and eras they develop an appreciation of diversity and culture throughout the history of Art.
- Make: Experiencing a range of mediums and processes to express their ideas, experiences and interests. Investigating and exploring the nature of materials and techniques is a key part of this subject. The children develop experience and knowledge of art materials in carefully constructed units of work. They also use technology in Computing to explore animation, drawing and painting skills.
- Evaluate: Discussing and reviewing their intentions, plans and outcome using subject specific vocabulary. Knowledge and experience enable children to make reasoned evaluations of their own work and that of others. They learn to analyse, question, interpret and empathise. The learning briefs help children to focus on the main learning objectives (content and skills) and make important links with other areas of their learning.
The impact of our Art & Design curriculum
- Our systematic approach to planning and teaching of Art and Design equips our pupils with the skills and knowledge that will enable them to be ready for the curriculum at Key Stage 3 and for life as an adult in the wider world.
- We provide a broad and balanced education to all children so that they can express their ideas, interests and uniqueness.
- The Art and Design curriculum gives equal opportunities for learning and that enables all pupils to make progress.
- Through our curriculum they will experience and complete projects in the primary areas of: drawing, painting, colour theory, sculpture, 3D Construction, printing, pattern, textiles, collage and design,
- Every child is given the chance to explore, experiment, take risks and gain confidence in a wide range of materials and techniques.
- Our artwork is striking in its range and quality and is celebrated through displays in classrooms, around the school, on the website and through the schools’ social media.
- Children learn to understand the purpose and structure of an artistic process and develop a sense of pride in their individual, small group or whole class creations.
- In KS2 Art Ambassadors complete whole school projects and help to facilitate children’s voice in this vital area of their curriculum.