Dedicated to raising achievement for every child in our schools

Our Mission

Christ Church & Holy Trinity Schools are dedicated to providing a nurturing environment in which all children have the opportunity to reach their maximum academic and social potential. Excellent teaching, learning and relationships are at the heart of our schools.

Head Teacher

On behalf of our staff and children, I offer you a warm welcome to our schools, Christ Church and Holy Trinity Church of England Primary Schools.

I am fortunate to lead two wonderful schools in the heart of Chelsea.

The Federation of Christ Church and Holy Trinity comes into effect from 1st September and means that our schools will work very closely together with a shared Leadership Team and curriculum. One Governing Body will set the strategic direction for both schools and will be dedicated to focusing on ensuring each child will have a wonderful education experience in whichever school they attend.

The schools have the advantages of functioning, day to day, like one form entry schools, small is beautiful! We aim to make very safe and caring environments where everybody knows your name and something about you. The children will also have a sense of belonging to a bigger partnership of learning. Teachers and other staff will have support from colleagues working in similar roles across the two schools.

The two schools have distinct church leadership from the Parish of St Luke’s and Christ Church and that of Holy Trinity and St Saviour. Christian values are very much shared and are clear in all that we do. We aim to instil qualities of forgiveness, empathy and respect in all of our children. We believe in teaching that inspires children to love learning and life.

We aim to create inclusive environments where being different but belonging together is key to our ethos. We dedicate ourselves to raising achievement for every child.  All children have their own strengths, gifts and talents and we feel these should be capitalised on so that children have positive self-esteem and achieve the very best that they can.

Creating and maintaining a close relationship between home and school is vital to a child being successful in their learning and we ask parents to be very supportive of our work as they are the primary educators.

Avis Hawkins
Head Teacher 

A shared vision for Christ Church
and Holy Trinity Schools.

Christian Vision and Virtues

In the Parable of the Sower, Jesus tells us that God is like a generous farmer, and we are like the soil in which he plants his seeds.

At Christ Church and Holy Trinity Schools we are learning how to be good soil, so that we grow to love God, our neighbour and ourselves and thereby enable every member of our community to flourish.

Each day, we endeavour to face up to all that challenges us, in order to see with our eyes, hear with our ears and understand with our hearts God’s Good News for the world, and cultivate the virtues with which to produce an abundant harvest.

We aim to instil an understanding of Christian Virtues in our children.

Our core virtues are:

  • Forgiveness
  • Hope
  • Wisdom
  • Peace
  • Love
  • Justice
  • Generosity
  • Kindness

School overviews

Our two schools are steeped in history having both education the children of Chelsea for over 150 years. September 2019 sees the schools entering a new chapter in their history as they join together in a federation of two schools. You can access the individual overview information about the schools below.


Christ Church is Voluntary Aided within the Borough of Kensington and Chelsea.  It is a relatively small school, one form entry with 210 children. Classes are from Reception to Year 6 and we teach children from the age of 4 to 11. There are thirty children in each class.  Places in the school are much sought after and we therefore have a long waiting list for most classes.

The school is situated in a beautiful location in the heart of Chelsea near the Embankment.  We are housed over three sites with classes split either side of Robinson Street and our playground is across the road on a site in Christ Church Street. We are a short walk from the Chelsea Physic Garden, the Royal Hospital, the South Kensington museums and the Chelsea Sports Centre. Children that attend Christ Church are from a wide range of backgrounds and live mainly in Battersea and Chelsea.  The school is extremely inclusive and welcomes children with a wide range of abilities with a range of aptitudes.

Our emphasis is on providing a broad and varied curriculum that meets the needs of all children. A love of learning is what we aim to instil in our children along with strong Christian values. We have specialist Music and Physical Education teachers which really impacts on the quality of teaching in these areas. We have a really dedicated team of teachers and teaching assistants who are well trained and talented. Our links with the wider community serves to enrich and enliven the learning curriculum that we offer.

We enjoy excellent relationships with our clergy who really contribute positively to the life of the school.  Christ Church is the closest of our two parish churches and we visit it regularly for assemblies, special services and teaching purposes.

We aim to establish excellent relationships between the children’s home and school. Parents, family and friends are most welcome at the school and contribute greatly to the positive and happy learning environment.

Holy Trinity is Voluntary Aided within the Borough of Kensington and Chelsea.  It is a relatively small school, one form entry with 210 children. Classes are from Reception to Year 6 and we teach children from the age of 4 to 11. There are thirty places for children in each class.

The school is situated on two sites, very close to Sloane Square.  We are housed in two beautiful buildings. The Cadogan Gardens site has children from Reception Class, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 6. Sedding Street site has classes for Year 3, 4 and 5 aged children. We are a short walk from the Saatchi Gallery and right next to Cadogan Hall. Being so close to the tube station and Sloane Square with its excellent bus links means that the children can visit so many museums galleries and other learning centres in London with ease.

Children that attend Holy Trinity are from a wide range of backgrounds and live mainly in Westminster, Battersea and Chelsea.  The school is extremely inclusive and welcomes children with a wide range of abilities with a range of aptitudes.

Our emphasis is on providing a broad and varied curriculum that meets the needs of all children. A love of learning is what we aim to instil in our children along with strong Christian values. We have specialist Music and Physical Education teachers which really impacts on the quality of teaching in these areas. We have a really dedicated team of teachers and teaching assistants who are well trained and talented. Our links with the wider community serves to enrich and enliven the learning curriculum that we offer.

We enjoy excellent relationships with our clergy who really contribute positively to the life of the school.  Holy Trinity is the closest of our two parish churches and we visit it regularly for assemblies, special services and teaching purposes.

We aim to establish excellent relationships between the children’s home and school. Parents, family and friends are most welcome at the school and contribute greatly to the positive and happy learning environment

There is a real sense of pride in our school and the building itself has been improved over the last few years to give the children, staff and visitors to the school the best possible learning environment that we can.

Our school is situated over three sites. Reception class up to Year 3 is situated in the main building that incorporates the hall, ICT suite, children’s kitchen and art room as well as the office.

Across the piazza is the smaller building that includes Year 4 to Year 6 classrooms and the Music room.

In Caversham Street is our playground area that includes the children’s garden and team game play area and climbing equipment.

All three sites have been rebuilt and improved in recent years with the two main buildings being rebuilt between 2002 and 2005 and our playground being redeveloped in 2008. In 2009 we added our art and kitchen rooms to the facilities for our children.

We are very lucky to reside beside our church, Christ Church, which means that we are able to use it for many assemblies and special events.

Our current priority is the development of our garden and its use across the curriculum.

Christ Church Primary School was founded by the parishioners of Christ Church, Chelsea in 1840 and has remained the Church School for the parish ever since.

It was set up as a boy’s Sunday School in a rented room in Flood Street initially and in 1839 what is now the Junior Building was acquired. In 1872 the school expanded and the now infant building was also acquired.  Girls were not accepted into the school until the 1900s.

In 2002 a large rebuilding program began and the school was rebuilt over the following three years but the original facade remains. During this time pupils learning took place in temporary portacabins in the playground and they ate their lunch in the Church pews!

We are very proud of our new building and have since made further additions and improvements including a children’s kitchen and dedicated art room. We have also refurbished and improved our library space.


Terrifically Turned Out!

There are four reasons why we have a school uniform.

1. We look smart and ready to learn.
2. We are not distracted by what we are wearing.
3. We all feel proud to be part of the Christ Church community.
4. People recognise us in our local community.

It is important that all children wear all the correct uniform every day.

If some children do not wear the correct uniform then everyone will think that we do not need to wear our uniform and so we stop looking smart and ready to learn.

We can earn a “Terrifically Turned Out award” in our Friday Special mentions assemblies.

We will keep a daily record of classes who have made sure they are wearing the correct uniform.


Boys and Girls uniform consists of:

  • A Christ Church and Holy Trinity navy polo shirt
  • A Christ Church and Holy Trinity navy sweatshirt (no red jumpers or cardigans please)
  • Navy blue or red socks
  • Navy blue tracksuit bottoms or shorts (no skorts please)
  • A school uniform coat or a navy blue duffle coat (no puffer jackets please)
  • Navy blue or black shoes (no trainers except for in lessons)

Boys Summer uniform consists of:

  • A white shirt long or short sleeved
  • Navy blue trousers or long shorts
  • The school tie
  • Navy blue socks
  • Navy blue or black shoes
  • A red v neck jumper (no tank tops please)
  • A school uniform coat or a navy blue duffle coat (no puffer jackets please)
  • A yellow high visibility jacket
  • Christ Church and Holy Trinity sun hat

Girls Summer uniform consists of:

  • A blue checked summer dress
  • Navy blue or red socks or tights
  • Navy blue or black shoes
  • A red cardigan
  • Red, navy or checked blue and white (to match the Summer dress) hair accessories
  • A school uniform coat or a navy blue duffle coat (no puffer jackets please)
  • Christ Church sun hat

Boys Winter uniform consists of:

  • A white shirt
  • Navy blue trousers or long shorts
  • The school tie
  • Navy blue or red socks
  • Navy blue or black shoes
  • A red v neck jumper (no tank tops please)
  • A school uniform coat or a navy blue duffle coat (no puffer jackets please)
  • A yellow high visibility jacket
  • Plain navy gloves a Christ Church and Holy Trinity hat and scarf

Girls Winter uniform consists of:

  • A white shirt
  • Navy blue skirt, pinafore dress or trousers
  • The school tie
  • Navy blue or red socks or tights
  • Navy blue or black shoes
  • A red cardigan
  • Red or navy hair accessories
  • A school uniform coat or a navy blue duffle coat (no puffer jackets please)
  • A yellow high visibility jacket
  • Plain navy gloves a Christ Church and Holy Trinity hat and scarf

When children have swimming lessons we ask that they wear navy blue swimming costumes with navy blue swimming caps and always wear goggles.


School Clubs

After School Clubs and Wraparound Child Care

Both schools offer a range of before and After School Clubs for children to take part in. They offer a wraparound service to parents.

Individual schools info is listed below.

After School Club Inclusion

We aim to make our clubs at both schools as inclusive as possible. We differentiate activities in the vast majority of clubs to suit as many children as possible in their age range.

A very small number of clubs, such as the Enrichment Clubs for Junior children, are aimed at meeting the needs of children who have high levels of concentration and resilience for learning, and therefore will not be appropriate for all children.

Behaviour at Clubs

We expect children to behave appropriately at the clubs they attend. Children need to behave well to be allowed to attend clubs. Children do not have the right to attend a club if their behaviour is repeatedly inappropriate.  Children and their parents will be clearly warned if they are in danger of not being able to continue a club due to the child’s behaviour putting other children at risk or making it hard for the club leader to run the club effectively.

Additional Needs

If children have complex behaviour or learning needs, including those with an EHC Plan, we will assess their suitability for a club and share our judgement with parents and carers. We have a school-based risk assessment that will contribute to the decision we make on whether a child can be included in a club.

We look at 3 aspects, which are informed by our prior experience of the child:

  • Their capacity ability to follow instructions from an adult they know well, or do not know well.
  • Their likelihood to act in an unsafe way,  with little sign of an obvious trigger,  which puts themselves or others in danger.
  • Their ability to work cooperatively with other children without adult intervention.

Additional Adults Supporting Clubs

Unfortunately, we do not have funding to pay for an additional adult to work 1:1 with children when this is deemed necessary. We can work collaboratively with parents to see if there is an adult who can support a child at a club. This may be a parent, a nanny or other home adult. This can work if an agreement is made with the school prior to the child starting a club session.  These adults will always need a DBS check and be under the direction of the club leader.  They will be responsible for the safety of the child that they are supporting.

Children with an EHCP

If a child is entitled to an after school club as part of their EHCP provision, we will work closely with the child and parents to ensure that the child’s behaviour and engagement are such that they can take full benefit from their additional provision. However, if the child’s behaviour means that they are unable to access the provision successfully, we will seek to provide alternative provision to meet the child’s needs, which may not be in the form of a club.


Our breakfast club runs from 8.00am until 8.55am daily. It costs £3.50 a day. It takes place in our purpose built children’s kitchen and involves a range of healthy breakfasts.  There is a range of different activities that the children engage in including soft play, dance challenge, computer games, colouring and seasonal activities related to school themes.

Please speak to the school office for more information. You need to book breakfast club places on Pay +

We offer a breakfast club from 8.00am each morning where children can have a healthy breakfast, play games and do art and crafts with children from all year groups.
Breakfast Club is priced at £1.50 per day and operated in the Cadogan Gardens building.

Our school has joined the government’s National School Breakfast Programme (NSBP), which is being delivered by the charities Family Action and Magic Breakfast. As a NSBP School we are pleased to offer a healthy school breakfast, available to all, and enjoy the benefits that brings, with children settled and ready to learn at the start of the school day.

Please speak to the school office or Mr Border for more information.

The school offers a wide and varied range of after school activities. All clubs run on a 10 week term – 5 weeks either side of the half term. Please check the club timetable for start and finish dates as clubs do not run every week.

School clubs are co-ordinated by the office staff and each term there is a club timetable sent home to parents.
Payment must be made in advance of the club start date. Please collect your child promptly at the end of the session.

Holy Trinity parents/carers, please note: Bookings for clubs are now online through the schoolgatleway which you can access via our website. If you have any difficulties with the booking and payment process, please speak to Miss Walden or Mrs Sheahan.

Additional after school provision

We also offer an after school club with a provider called Fit For Sport. Many of the TAs from school work at Fit For Sport so the children benefit from spending time with these familiar and friendly faces.


Fit For Sport have lots of new and exciting activities to keep our pupils active and engaged whilst learning the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle!
The term will be filled with Super Sports, Crafty Kidz, Fit Fun and Team Tastic activity sessions, alongside Fit For Sport’s special activity challenge that will be taking place across all of the schools they work in.
The provision is Ofsted registered and will provide you with the peace of mind that your child has access to a variety of opportunities and support beyond the school day.
Send your child to our Extended School Club to:

RAISE and IMPROVE your child’s academic performance

IMPROVE your child’s health, attendance and concentration levels

Allow your child to make NEW friends beyond classrooms

Secure your space now!


15:30 to 18:00 – £12.10
15:30 to 16:30 – £7.85 (excluding food)
16:30 to 18:00 – £9.65
* These prices are the early rates. Please see the Pricing Information leaflet below for full explanation of pricing.

Fit For Sport Pricing Information

For more information, visit or call 0845 456 3233
Fit For Sport support tax credits, accept childcare voucher as well!
*Valid when booking for six consecutive weeks, via phone not online

During the school term we understand the importance of children being outside and active after remaining sedentary in their classrooms for most of the day. This term, our experienced and fully qualified team will be delivering a wide range of fun-filled activities to keep your children happy and healthy for the whole term. From sports and games to arts and crafts, each day offers something different and exciting with the added bonus that we provide childcare in a safe and supportive learning environment, making sure your children have fun, make friends and keep moving after the school day!

Commit your family to an active lifestyle!
Getting fit is all about making simple changes to your everyday life. Fit For Sport has tons of Simple, Achievable and Sustainable tips to help you and your family on your journey to an active summer. Try some of our free family games found at and send us your active family photo.
Tag @fitforsportuk on Twitter or email your photo to and you could be in with the chance to win one of our fun-filled activity packs!

To book your place at our Extended School Club for this term please visit or call 07801888086.
* Calls cost 3p per minute plus the customer’s phone company access charge.

Fit For Sport are the UK’s experts in Engaging and Educating children, young people and families through activity, and have been doing this for 25 years.

The school offers a very wide and varied range of activities some of which are offered not only to the children who are on roll at the school, but also to community groups, church groups and adults in our community.

School Clubs are co-ordinated by the office staff and each term there is a different menu of clubs available for children to sign up for.

Christ Church parents/carers, please note: Bookings for clubs are now online through Pay+ which you can access via our website. You may book using your personal USO id. If you have any difficulties with the booking process, please speak to or email Sue Osman. If you would prefer to pay for clubs in cash or by cheque, this facility is still possible via the office, but you will need to register online and pay 1p on a debit or credit card to secure the place.

For music tuition, please pick up an application form from the school office.

Here is the current range of clubs this term, that are on offer to children on roll:
Colour Box Art Club, Choir, Y3 & Y4 Football, Y3 & Y4 Multi Sports, Y1 & Y2 Football, Y5 Football, Y6 Football, School Band, Drama, Chess Club,
Y6 Band Club.

Here is the current range of activities hosted by the school that take place in the evening and at weekends, some of which parents and children at the school take part in:

  • Adult Pilates
  • Adult Yoga
  • Children’s Ballet
  • ABC Adult & Toddler Club run by Christ Church
  • Arabic for children on Saturdays
  • Potter the Clay Christian Fellowship
  • Pentecostal Worship Group
  • Tennis


How to apply

The two schools in our federation have their own admissions arrangements and criteria. You need to apply to each school individually and separate waiting lists are kept for each school.


Secondary Transfer

Secondary transfer for our Year 6 pupils and their parents can be an exciting but often anxious time.

We try to support parents as much as possible with the process by offering parent workshops and individual meetings to help parents investigate the different options they have and make the best possible applications for Secondary Schools. The RBKC and Wandsworth Local Authority websites both have the information parents need about applying for a Secondary School with timescales and admissions criteria.

Here is a list of secondary schools that offered places to our children in the past 4 years: