Team and responsibilities

We have a fantastic team of teachers and support staff that work with our children in both schools. Our team is made up of many very experienced staff who have worked in our schools for many years and new staff who have been afforded the chance to work with us as a result of us federating. Many staff work across the two schools to maintain and raise standards of care and achievement. All our teachers have commitment to teaching the children brilliantly and with passion.

The staffing structures ensure that all class teachers have time to work collaboratively together when planning and preparing resources for the children in our schools.

We are very proud of the quality of our specialist teaching staff too. Dance, music, drama, PE, drama and gardening are all taught by our dedicated and talented visiting teachers and tutors.


Holy Trinity Team and Responsiblities

Reception Class

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


Office & Site Care

Whole School Teacher, Instructors & Learning Support

Holy Trinity Chefs

Christ Church Team and Responsiblities

Reception Class

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6



Administration & Site

Whole School Teacher, Instructors & Learning Support


Supporting the work of the school

They are a very committed group of volunteers that work hard to support the work of the two schools.

They are the Management Committee of the schools and make decisions about school policy, discipline and strategic matters to improve or develop school achievement such as appointment of staff. The Head Teacher and staff ensure the smooth running of the school on a day to day level.

The Governing Body is made up of a range of representative groups. There are staff governors, parent governors, church representatives and community (political) representatives.

Rev Brian Leathard is our Chair and Quentin Nason, is our Vice Chair. If parents or carers wish to make their thoughts or feelings known to the Governing Body they should share these with a parent governor or the Chair of Governors. All Governors are contactable through the school.
The Governors meet every half term for full governing body meetings which has a cyclical agenda about the work and issues across the school.

There are a number of Committees and temporary working parties that feed into the larger Full Governing Body Group.  These are the Achievement Committee, The Resources Committee, The Partnerships Committee and Admissions and School Meals Working Parties.

Governors are all aligned to classes and take a special interest in that class. The expectation is that they visit the class throughout the year and get to know them as learners and as a class.
Lorraine Mitchell  is our Clerk to the Governors, she is contactable through the school.

The current list of Governors are below:


Ex-officio / Lead Governors

Foundation Governors

Representative and Co-opted Governors

Committee Membership


Andy Greetham

Brian Leathard

Tim McKean

Richard Steenberg

Quentin Nason

Katie Rose

Avis Hawkins


Rowan Tolley

Marisa Milligan

Natalie Simpson

Rachel Cuperman

Wendy Challen

Brian Leathard

Katie Rose

Amy Pether

Avis Hawkins


Richard Steenberg

Rachel Cuperman

Lisa Phillips

Katie Rose

Thalia Moros

Johnny Thalassites

Avis Hawkins

Link Governor Roles

Leadership Roles

Chair of Governors

Vice Chair of Governors

Governance Effectiveness and Inclusion

Resources Committee Chair

Partnership Committee Chair

Brian Leathard

Rachel Cuperman

Brian Leathard

Andy Greetham

Richard Steenberg

Committee Roles


Amy Pether

Andy Greetham

Arabella Davies

Avis Hawkins

Brian Leathard

Katie Rose

Lesley Palmer

Lisa Phillips

Marisa Milligan

Natalie Simpson

Quentin Nason

Racel Cuperman

Richard Steenberg

Rowan Tolley

Thalia Moros

Tim McKean

Wendy Challen

Link Governor

RE Standards

Health & Safety

Creative Curriculum

Enrichment, RE & Core Standards

Behaviour/Attitude to Learning

Enrichment, Music, Dance, Spanish & PE, Fundraising/Parent Partnership

English & Maths


Core Standards


Local Partnerships


Enrichment, Music, Drama, Dance, Spanish & PE, Parent Partnership

Maths & Science

Looked After Children/Pupil Premium


SEN, Foundation and Creative Curriculum – History/Geography/DT/Art
