Year 5


Welcome to Year 5

During this academic year the children have a wide range of first hand experiences relating to key areas of the curriculum. We explore what it was like for children living in Victorian Britain, how attitudes towards children changed, and the people who are remembered for their part in these changes. This is brought to life with a fun packed Victorian Day in school, where the children experience just how strict the teachers were!

Another highlight in Year 5 is our trip to Osmington Bay. This is a physical geography visit looking at the amazing Jurassic Coast in Devon. While there the children experience a wide range of physical activities where they achieve more than they ever thought possible. They are encouraged to try new activities and really challenge themselves. The sense of pride at the end of each day is remarkable to observe and every child returns to school with a positive and determined attitude!

Year 5 is a year of independence. The children have greater responsibilities around the school and take a leading role in many aspects of school life. They are trusted to take their own initiative and solve problems as and when they occur. These may be in the classroom or when trying to support a younger member of the school. The children really live up to expectations and truly embrace this new level of trust and independence.

As a parent of a child in Year 5 it is important that you also promote independence at home. This may be with day to day chores, along with giving them more responsibility to remember homework tasks or to deliver key questions to the teacher without your support.

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